Silent Conversations


AUTUMN 2023 - Donego, Italy

Silent Conversations is an extraordinary ten-day art laboratory: an intersection of dance improvisation, poetry and performance. The laboratory is designed as an inspirational environment for focused practice and learning from self, other and the space. The approach of the laboratory: Dance improvisation as the art of listening, poetry as a deeper form of attention, that allows a new language to arise from the embodied experience, and performance as the process of revealing what is already in the space. The practice is grounded in being physically, attentionally, and poetically available for the immediacy, and intends to enhance and refine our compositional, relational and collaborative abilities. Creating conditions within ourselves to recognize and transform ordinary into poetic, the place where every thing is alive, interconnected and about to change. Most of the time we work outside in the village, surrounding nature and neighbouring towns. This is not a silent event, yet we practice mostly in silence.
